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Doctrine of Faith

We believe the Holy Scriptures was written by men under the divine verbal inspiration of God and are inerrant and completely authoritative in the original writings.


We believe there is only one God external and self-exists in “Three persons:”
The Father (YHWH), The Son (Jesus “The Christ”), and The Holy Spirit, who are co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal.


We believe man was created in the image of God and through disobedience he sinned and fell.  The entire human race shared in the fall of man’s sin and is depraved by nature and lost.


We believed God created an innumerable number of spiritual beings and one through pride sinned and became Satan.  That Satan led a great company of those spiritual beings to follow him in his sin, some of whom became demons and are active in this world.  While other that fell are reserved in everlasting chains unto the judgment.


We believe that Jesus “The Christ” was virgin born in the flesh and was God-Man, deity in the flesh.


We believe the death of Jesus “The Christ” is vicarious, sacrificial, and substitutionary.  Christ as the ransom died for the sins of all.

We believe Jesus “The Christ” arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven where he is exalted as King, Lord, and Christ.  Jesus is the head of the Church, the great High Priest in the Melchizedek order, our advocate, and intercessor.


We believe Jesus “The Christ” second coming will be personal, premillennial and is imminent.


We believe The Holy Spirit is a person who regenerates, indwells, energizes and empowers believers for godly living and for service.  The Holy Spirit indwells the believer from the moment of faith in Jesus “The Christ.”


We believe salvation is a gift of God brought to men by grace.  This salvation is received by personal faith in Jesus “The Christ” and is manifested by the believer in works pleasing to God.


We believe all believers are called into a life of separation from all worldly and sinful practices.


We believe that there is eternal damnation and punishment for all who die impenitent and unsaved.

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