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Pastor's Pen 335

      To my mind, Sunday use to represent the emblems of peace and comfort.  Just the mention of the word Sunday would evoke visions of laze Sunday afternoons with endless rest and peace.  But that was before I met Jesus and came to the realization of what he did for me on Sunday.   Now the mention of the word Sunday invokes visions of awesome power.  Power that conquered death and dominated the grave.  Power that liberated me from sin and united me to God’s family as a child of light.  Power that healed my body and renewed my mind.  Power that subjugated the deceiver and constrained his followers.  Power that made peace between me and God and ceased God’s hostilities towards me.  Power that gives me extended grace that is renewed every day and boundless favor.  Power that created joy within and lifted my faith.  But the thing that Sunday reminds me of the most of all is, the Power to deliver "The One" who died to rescue me. Jesus!


Pastor Keith

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