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The Diaconate Ministry

The Diaconate Ministry of the Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church is based upon the request of the Apostles of Jesus “The Christ” to set aside “seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom” who could be appointed over the business of the Church in support of the Elders of the Church (Acts 6:3).  “The Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church Diaconate Ministry” takes seriously the “The work of the Church” and the call to “Church Work” by the Holy Scriptures.  At no time does the Bible ever suggest that the Diaconate Ministry was the supervisor of the Church or the Pastor, and they do not constitute a “Board.”  Early church history reveals that the first century deacons took up and distributed the offerings whether it was money, grains, animals, or some other commodity.  The deacons were in charge of caring for the widows, orphans, the sick, and those in need.

The Greek word for Deacon is “diakonos, which means servant.  This is the title and the attitude of those who hold to and are called into this position.  The following are strong suggestion for those seeking and/or are active in the ministry of the Diaconate:

1) The deacon(s) shall be a born again believer of Jesus “The Christ” as the son of God, (The Father), his death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave.

2) The deacon(s) shall be spirit filled and able to lead by example  

3) The deacon(s) shall attend all Church services, functions and event.

4) The deacon(s) are to assist the Pastor.

5) The deacon(s) are to receive their directions from the Pastor.

6) The deacon(s) should visit the sick

7) The deacon(s) should be mindful of the needs of the Pastor and the members of the Church.

8) The deacon(s) shall be able to lead a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus “The Christ”

9) The deacons are responsible to help maintain unity through the bonds of love.


This is the calling and operational focus of “The Diaconate Ministry of the Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church”

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